BC Deals for the week of May 3rd, 2016

Welp, apparently somebody had heard that most of us are complaining that there weren’t any good backwards compatible sales because this week there were a ton of them this time.  Of course, it’s not the Sega titles or Call of Juarez or Sam & Max that I so desperately want, but at least it’s something.  For me this week, I’ll be picking up probably D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die and Powerstar Golf on the X1 side. I want to pick up the Pinball tables, but I’ve had quite enough of Star Wars as a theme in Pinball FX. Enjoy.

Pinball FX2 Tables (Remember to download on Xbox 360 first if you want them on both systems)

Star Wars Pinball: The Force Awakens Pack $3.34

Tuesday update: Since Star Wars: Force Unleashed I&II were made Backwards compatible, it is only fitting that we include those sales as well.

It is also worth mentioning that Force Unleashed has two pieces of DLC as well that are not on sale, but since they are only $1 a piece, most people will probably ignore them.  One is basically a skin DLC which allows you to play as five other characters including Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.  The other one, slightly more important is an adventure called Endor (which has separate achievements too).  Basically, all I need to tell you is that you get to dropkick an Ewok.  Dropkicking an Ewok for any price (never mind one whole dollar) is worth it in my book.  Take care.

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