BC Deals for the week of June 28th, 2016

Last week I got absorbed in PacMan 256.  Basically they took PacMan, gave him some powerups you have to grind for, missions, made into an endless runner, and poof there you go fantastic $5 dollar game.  Oh it has themes too so you don’t get easily bored of dying dozens of times.  Which you will.  Anyway, here are the sales for this week.  No official BC sales, but a great time to get the Mass Effect 2 or 3 DLC if you’re interested which I’m still certain are going to be on BC soon enough.  I am disappointed I have not seen a sale for the XCom: Enemy Unknown DLC but maybe next week.  We should also get the Games with Gold for July announcement, probably today. Alright, more later.  Enjoy kiddoes.

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