BC Deals for the Week of July 25th, 2017

Still playing Valkyria Revolution, on Chapter 4…characters are about level 20-22.  It’s getting a little harder but nothing I can’t handle.  I was able to get a couple of the more uncommon achievements in driving the Valkyria back during a random mission and doing what’s known as an offensive battle.  (which is a lot rarer than a defensive battle)

But we actually do have a fair amount of sales this week.  On the X1 side, I’m probably looking at Claire & the Mordheim DLC.  On the 360 side, I’m primarily looking at Final Exam and the ill-fated Game of Thrones RPG (not the Telltale adventure game).  Final Exam should be BC at some point (of course I’ve been saying that about RAW (also on sale) for a while now)..but I’m pretty sure that the GOT RPG will not be BC anytime soon.  I mean I could be wrong, it’s just these licenses are always tricky business.  But at the same time, it’s only been on sale one other time and that was a year ago.  There are some good stuff to be had this week, just it’s going to be a little hunting and pecking.  Also, if you don’t have at least 2 of the 4 below (that are actually BC), you are doing yourself a disservice, especially at those prices.  Enjoy.

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