BC Deals for the week of July 19th, 2016

So, we are well under a month now for the end of Project Spark.  I crossed level 45 yesterday in my quest to get to the level 50 threshold.  I would feel pretty darn good about making that level 50 if my experience wasn’t glitching out.  By glitching, I mean not getting credit for all of the experience I get through dailies and milestones.  It’s quite frustrating actually.  I am close, I’ll keep gunning for it but this recent setback might be too much to overcome.  In other news, I beat the single player mode for Dangerous Golf.  I will finish co-op mode this week (I have 6 holes left) as well.  Outside of a few collection achievements, I will be pretty much done with that one.  I have no interest to try to get EVERY single gold medal out there.  The fact I have about 30 per mode is more than enough.  BTW, if you haven’t played Dangerous Golf since it was released, download the patch immediately.  The Fast restarts are a true time saver, and they added more destruction too which means the scores do come a bit easier.

Anyway, sales…not much. The only draw here is the Phantom Breaker game and its DLC.  The good thing is that it is a fantastic game and well worth $3 and $2.50 for the DLC.  I’ve played through all of it, have almost all of the achievements (the one where you fall through the end of the stage and grab everything is still giving me fits and I’ve tried it about 10 times).  And yes, you should grab the DLC.  The new character is fun and the DLC also increases the level cap.  (Trust me, you’ll need the extra levels when you beat the game in Hard)  So, spend $5.50 and don’t look back.  I spent $10 (7.50+2.50) and I easily got my money’s worth.  Maybe I’ll try that level a couple more times *fingers crossed*.  Enjoy kids.

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds $2.99

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Kurisu Pack (DLC) $2.49

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