BC Deals for the week of July 12th, 2016

So I did mess around with Red Dead Redemption on Xbox One on Friday for about an hour and can sum it up in two ways.  Fantastic experience and I am absolutely miserable at riding a horse.  The framerate feels crisp and it doesn’t feel like a last gen game at all.  I also took part in the Ultimate Game sale big time buying 1 Xbox One title (Dragon Age Inquisition bundle) and 3 BC 360 Games (Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Mars: War Logs, and Faery: Lords of Avalon).  I also bought a sealed copy of Bound by Flame which was developed by Spiders (who also did Mars: War Logs and Faery: Lords of Avalon along with the new Xbox One game: Technomancer).  It’s not BC yet, but I am thinking it will be eventually.  And if it isn’t, I figure I can make back my $10 bill if I really want to sell it.  Anyway, there are a few sales this week for BC lovers.  And if I were to be a betting man, I’d venture to say most of these (SNK titles and Worms) will be BC eventually.  It’s not going to compete with the Ultimate Game sale but it’s a lot better than other weeks.  Enjoy.

Blood of the Werewolf $1.74 (crazy price)

Garou: Mark of the Wolves $4.99

Metal Slug 3 $4.99

Metal Slug XX $7.49 (never get why they priced this at $15 MSRP)

Samurai Shodown II $4.99


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