BC Deals for the Week of January 9th, 2018

So, this week I turned to an old friend.  Diablo III.  Now as some of you faithfuls remember I 100% the 360 version last year.  Well, with the Necromancer class on sale last week, I felt obliged to open up my Xbox One version of the game and import my characters. Needless to say I got a lot of achievements within the first couple of hours I put into the game due to those characters.  I also realize that my Demon Hunter & Witch Doctor are ridiculously OP.

Anyway, I didn’t even start a Necromancer yet but I have a feeling I will in the next few days.  Will I 100% this version too?  I dunno.  I’m not too keen on doing 500 bounties again (nor another level 70 hardcore since for some reason my level 70 hardcore crusader didn’t pop the achievement, even after gaining a few paragon points) and I’m not sure how hard the Necromancer specific achievements are.  But we’ll see.

Anyway, the sales this week pretty much stink again even for the Xbox One.  I know I sound like a broken record but we need some new BC games.   These two below have been on sale plenty of times and everybody who wants them, has them by now.  Have a good week and enjoy it no matter what you do.


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