BC Deals for the Week of January 10th, 2017

Welp, I finished the Title Update portion of Gems of War this morning, so again that only leaves level 100 to go.  I’m at level 88, but at least I can focus solely on leveling and not accumulating piles and piles of glory.  By the way, if you are missing the Mythic achievement, you can get it this week with 2700 Glory at the shop (look for Spooky Imp).  It also nets you a crapload of gold which you can then turn into whatever you want over at your guild (I run my own guild because I’m not competitive enough to fit into one of these “You must earn a certain amount of seals or glory every week” guilds).

Also, got through the Plants storyline in PvsZ GW 2 finally.  Those last two quests were a bear to get through.  I do admit that I’m starting to get bored of the game, but I still have achievements to go for now.  Anyway, that long winded intro was just an excuse to cover up for the fact that this week isn’t a whole heck of a lot when it comes to deals.  Well maybe if you like Rock Band (X1) or the Tropico series (X360), it’s a good week.  But nothing for BC.  I really hope we get a few BC announcements this week.  It’s been very quiet and this kind of stuff barely gets me up in the morning.  Enjoy.

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