BC Deals for the Week of December 26th, 2017

While I can’t really say I played all that much when it came to games in the past week (told you that was going to happen), I did receive some well appreciated games for Christmas.  I don’t like when my wife and extended family waste $60 on a game so my list was solely games that were $30 and under with most being near that $20 mark.  As a result, I received Batman: Enemy Within, Victor Vran, Pillars of Eternity, Town of Light, and Final Fantasy XV for the Xbox One.  And that was had at the cost of two new games from my estimates.  I already installed Batman last night, and even though there are only three episodes available at this time, I’ll probably burn through it.  I hope at least the 4th episode comes out before I finish the first three.  (of course then there is always that cliff hanger…)

As you might expect, there was no post by the Major about the sales today.  However, I do have a couple of links that will show you what those sales are.  Nothing really here unless you would like a copy of Jet Set Radio.  It’s just as well since most of you are probably still reeling from Microsoft’s holiday sale.  Maybe we’ll get back to some normalcy next week, maybe we’ll have a BC game or two as well.  Hope you guys had a nice Christmas and have a Happy New Year.  Take care.

Xbox One Sale Roundup provided by TrueAchievements.com

Xbox 360 Sale Roundup provided by TrueAchievements.com


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