Altered Beast, Comix Zone, The Cave, Double Dragon Neon and Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime added to Backwards Compatibility!!!!!

Well, something just told me there would be a BC announcement today on top of everything else.  However I was not aware there would be 5 games added to BC.  Twitter posts can be found here and here.

Altered Beast – $4.99, and like most Sega Games, it’s cheap enough darn it!  Really easy achievements too.

Comix Zone – $4.99, another Sega Game, slightly harder achievements.

The Cave – $14.99, a little more expensive, also from Sega.  Has had a sale or two (in the 50% range) as soon as 2014.  Much harder on the achievements end since most of them are missable.

Double Dragon Neon – $9.99, I actually own this one and honestly I didn’t think it had much chance of making it as seen in my original posts.  It was last on sale in May of 2015 (when I grabbed it) at a mere $2.49.  Achievements are very difficult.

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime – $4.99, and not a very good game at all.  Achievements aren’t too bad and it last had a sale in 2013, but honestly I still wouldn’t mess with it.

With all of this Sega love again, I really want to see a sale soon, I think it would benefit everybody (I can think of at least 4-5 I would pick up including Altered Beast and Cave).  Also, where is Phantasy Star II?  Come on!


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