Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation added to Backwards Compatibility!

Still can’t get the Gyro Chain achievement in Gyromancer.  I’ve literally been one or two matches before making it and then I have to blow up the board and either die or beat the monster I’m fighting.  And it’s a level 50 creature to boot.  I’m way too overpowered at level 60 though and if I switch to a level 40, I get beat up too quickly.  Not sure how to proceed.

Anyway, here is a physical only release that has made backwards compatibility.  An used copy of Ace Combat 6 looks to run about $20 according to Amazon and the like.  However, it should be noted if you pre-order or buy Ace Combat 7 at release, you will be able to get AC 6 for free.  Probably worth it if you are into aerial flight or fight games.  That’s all I got for now, enjoy your lone release this week (and I was so hoping for Syndicate, oh well).

  • Ace Combat 6 (not available digitally)(physical copy @ ~$20.00 or with pre-order of 7)


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