23 Games Added to Backwards Compatibility (and this might be it) (I’m not doing 23 exclamation marks)


Okay, I lied, there is your 23 exclamation marks.  First the good news, 23 more games have hit backwards compatibility.  There are some excellent titles in this batch and I’m quite happy about that.  There is a but here though.  This might be the last drop ever.  In fact, most websites are reporting that it is indeed the last drop ever.  The reason?  Well ole Scarlett (or the next Xbox) needs all of the manpower it can get which will include backwards compatibility on some level.  As to the extent of that BC, that remains to be seen.  (I rather not speculate as it is all rumor at this point)

Anyway, perhaps we will see one or two titles drop in the next year or so but by and large we are done with backwards compatibility.  It’s very sad for the site and I’m not exactly sure the direction this site will go in the future.  Oh, I will continue to have the site, but the identity might be a bit up in the air until I figure it out.  I have been meaning to redesign the site for sometime and well after I clean up a bit here, that might be exactly what I do.

Clean up means I will need to consult an official list of BC releases (I’ve been keeping my unofficial one since this thing started) and make sure it is 100% accurate.  It means I will get rid of the maybe titles as there is almost no need to continue to track those anymore.  Just the titles, the companies who made them and the date they were released.  That will come by the end of the month for sure, probably sooner.  I will also create an article of the titles from my wishlist that get missed as those 30 titles should be at least mentioned one more time before we close the book.

Anyway, here are the twenty three titles.  I will let them speak for themselves.   One note before I get to it, Too Human is FREE, so grab that (and Free DLC for other titles too).  It is a failed title, it was the source of lawsuits but it wasn’t half bad.  Enjoy kiddoes.



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