October 30th, 2014

It is the day before Halloween, arguably one of my favorite Holidays as long as I am inside, watching scary movies or playing a frightening video game.  Oh, and enjoying a few pieces of candy.  Okay, so maybe occasionally I can be encouraged to move away from my box, put on a costume and go to a local function.  It is not asking too much for me to go out, just my social ineptitude does not usually allow me to act any differently.  Let’s dip inside for a spell though and see what we have to talk about this week.



So, *drum roll*, I started playing Skyrim again this weekend.  I told Peggle to take a hike. This was the first time I had loaded up the Legendary version of Skyrim and went ahead to install the add-ons.  This is a little funny I admit because I have not even beat the actual game despite logging in over one hundred hours.  So, the add-ons will be messed with (since they throw you the questlines as soon as you visit a major town) but probably not heavily.

Anyway, I gained two more levels and my Wood Elf is now at level 43.  In addition, I conquered a couple of good areas in the form of Pinewatch (bandits, bandits and more bandits) and The Lost Expedition questline which is nestled in the ancient city of Nchaund-Zel (Markrath).  The later was basically finding a bunch of diaries and then turning back on the Dwarven machines who will fight the remaining Falmers.  The only part that sucks (or good if you like experience) is that you are turning on the Dwarven machines to help you but more than likely they will just start attacking you.  A Dwarven Centurion is not a hard fight for my level but it is still an entertaining one if you go melee.

At some point, I really will make my way to the story achievements.  My character is ridiculously leveled for where he is in the story mode.  But I am working on the 50 dungeons, 50 skill books, 50th level achievements as well.  The problem always is that I get distracted easily in Skyrim and spend an hour or two working on my smithing, alchemy, or enchanting.  Or something as silly as building or furnishing one of my MANY houses.

One funny moment before I move on. My wife is watching Skyrim for the first time, and I open up my bags (because I am always carrying so much on my character) and then come upon my keys.  *snicker*, yeah, I probably have about 100 keys, at least.  My wife without missing a beat, “This game promotes bad habits.”  Lawl, so this is probably not the time to show her my chest in Whiterun or worse yet my alchemy reagents.  It is true, Skyrim does promote bad hoarding habits (especially if you like to partake in lots of thievery) but the game makes it ridiculously easy to store them.

Too bad there is not a way in Skyrim on the Xbox (there probably is on the PC) to bring up a menu of all your houses and the loot you have stored there.  The only method I have right now is it’s probably in Whiterun (non-stolen items) or Riften (stolen items).  This is starting to sound like my video game collection, I better not say that too loudly.  Moving on!

Forever Evil


As you might expect, I read my share of graphic novels.  I have plenty of Marvel, plenty of DC and even a few independents but they almost always super hero based.  Favorites typically are Daredevil, Batman, Nightwing or any variation of Robin actually including Teen Titans.  Well this week, while I was at Half Price Books I was able to secure a copy of Batman Volume 3: Death of the Family & this one pictured above, Forever Evil Volume 1.  Both in hardback and at $12.50 a piece, they were easy buys.

Forever Evil Volume 1 came out in September of this year and collects the first seven issues of the series.  The story is fairly complex.  An alternate reality Justice League (who are evil, not good) have taken out the real Justice League with the exception of Batman.  This has left a scenario where about the only beings with power are the bad guys.    The alternate Justice League led by Ultraman (copy of Superman) try to recruit all of the super villains to their side so they dominate the planet.

Most of the planet’s villains buy into the scenario and follow the new Justice League.  That is however, save for some very important villains who do not particularly like the way this is going down.  Villains like Lex Luthor, Captain Cold, Black Manta, Black Adam, and Sinestro.  Each villain with their own motives come together to form an extremely interesting team with a greater mission, to rid the planet of this sinister Justice League.

So how does it play out?  Fantastically.  The villains of Lex Luthor, Captain Cold and so forth play their part so well that more than likely you end up rooting for them by the first issue in.  Black Manta and Sinestro especially despite their usual cold nature are deep characters and benefit the most from this bad guy turned lesser evil.  It also helps that the evil Justice League has its share of ultra creepy characters including Power Ring (evil Green Lantern) and Johnny Quick (evil Flash).

It is also not to say that there are not a few superheros in the mix which include Batman, a reformed Catwoman and Nightwing who does his part to play the “damsel in distress” for most of the seven issues.  Also, not to spoil anything but there is an amazing character we meet that is not revealed until over half way into the story.  We know him simply as the man underneath the hood and is something most foul indeed.  There really is not enough good things I can say about this book and might indeed be the best graphic novel I have read since Batman: Under the Red Hood which is a beeping masterpiece.

Quick Hits


I have learned in the video game world that there is always a surprise or two around the corner.  This week, that surprise was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was being released to the Xbox 360 with updated HD graphics, achievements (1,000 points worth) and an amazing price of $3.74 on the Xbox Store.  I pity anybody who liked the GTA series (before it got bogged down with the BS known as IV and V) and does not spend the Xbox bucks to get it.  It is a decent download (2 gigs worth) but a fantastic value.  Get it this week seriously before it goes back up to $15 (which I would only pay if it was on disc).  Hopefully they consider giving GTA III or Vice City this treatment as well.

This fall, I have received the great gift of several fine comic book shows showing up on my television.  The first one I am mentioning is the Flash which comes on Tuesdays on the CW.  Probably the best one of the group for me so far and there is strong work here from all characters and actors involved.  This week was particularly good because they debuted Captain Cold and thankfully did not make him a silly character as they could have easily done.  He was cold (pardon the pun), menacing and played by Wentworth Miller.  Put those three together and you have a great villain.  I also giggled like a school girl by the ending credits when I realized the Rogues were indeed being formed.  Hello Heatwave indeed.

The second show worthy of mention is Constantine which is on NBC on Fridays.  I thoroughly enjoyed the movie with Keanu Reeves and knew the source material very well.  It’s part of the DC Vertigo line which basically means its dark as hell and not for children.  The first episode was pretty gruesome and had plenty of scary bits.  But it was also an insane good time.  When I think of Constantine, I think of a bad ass demon slayer with a chip on his shoulder.  That’s what we get.  Though, guys you do realize he is a chain smoker right?  Except in the first episode it was a blink and miss it type of thing.  It is funny, in a tv world where you can glamorize a cannibal and a serial killer, a demon slayer who habitually smokes cigarettes seems like the worst offender.  *sigh*


Finally, we come to Gotham which I would imagine most of my reading audience were probably most amped for.  It has also had a great season so far and even though it has played a little out like Law & Order or CSI: Gotham City, it has also had a time of developing fun characters.  This week I certainly enjoyed the little interludes Nigma had with the file clerk girl as I swear he has elements of Norman Bates in his young Riddler persona.   The ending scene with the Penguin showing up at the police station and then watching Harvey absolutely lose it with Gordon was a fine piece of television making.

These three shows have certainly went a long way in making me deal with my lack of watching wrestling.  I do miss watching some sports entertainment but without cable currently, I do not have much of a choice.  Truthfully, I do not see myself getting regaining access to cable on a regular basis in the next year either.  This means that the only way I am seeing wrestling is either on disc or some local indy event.  The latter might have to be done sometime soon.

Final Thoughts

Well that closes off another blog for this week.  I have picked up the pace and it feels pretty good actually.  My life is a strange mixture of order and disarray but I keep fighting with a wonderful woman by my side.  Life is alright and there are some good things on the horizon if I can get a couple of things to fall my way.  Before I leave, I want to leave you with something that made me laugh and shake my head at the same time.  This Christmas comes a movie that possibly nobody will want to see.  Jingle All the Way 2 (yes a sequel of the Arnold flick) with Larry the Cable Guy and WWE Superstar, Santino Marella.  Just when I thought Hollywood has hit rock bottom (another pun), they surprise me once again.  Take care kids, go watch a good movie this weekend, please.

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