September 14th, 2013

It is Saturday night, I actually just finished watching some college football (Alabama/Texas A&M), and I figured the best thing to do is to spend the next hour or so writing a blog.  But for those looking for some careful insight or an experienced look at the big game, don’t you have some douchebag football webpage to be on right about now?  This column has nothing to do with football, but much like Johnny Manziel, maybe I can give out a few autographs after I’m done…as long as you don’t sell them on Ebay.

Video Games


I have been playing a few games lately, Since the last column, I have finished Crackdown and did all of the achievements I felt that were worth doing.  The game is a blast, up until you beat it, and then you want nothing to do with it.  There was no desire in me whatsoever to go after some of the games harder achievements like all of the freaking orbs that you have to collect.  I simply maxed all my skills to four stars and called it a day.  The game was a decent diversion but honestly I am glad I did not have to pay for it.  In addition, after hearing the bad reviews for the second game, I have no interest in that one either.

So, I did what any self respecting gamer does when they finish one game, move on to the next.  I have been playing Deadpool most of the time since I finished Crackdown.  And….I have already beat it (Veteran difficulty).  Is it funny?  OMG yes.  Is it really short?  Yes, unfortunately.  But is it fun?  Actually it is a great deal of fun.  Wait, are we talking about Deadpool the game or my sex life?  (No, because we did not make a joke about it being non-existent) Wait…I just insulted myself.  And…I’ll probably do it again buttercup.  Back to Deadpool, I have half of the achievements currently.  I am not going to 100% the game, I have accepted that.  However, I do think I can get a few more achievements before I call it quits.  In the games I have played this year however, I would certainly put it in my top 3.  (Probably #2, in between Lego Lord of the Rings and Shadowrun Returns).

Speaking of which, I do not have my Shadowrun physical rewards STILL from the Harebrained Schemes folks.  It is a lot of swag including a full boxed copy of the game, T-shirt and I believe an art book as well.  They did mention that were finally shipping the stuff this week but it is one of those I’ll believe it when I see it when the game was released almost two months ago.  At that point, I think I will be able to get more involved with the game since Deadpool will probably be done with and I will be looking for something new.



Huh?  Writing is a major section in one of your blogs for the first time in four months, well that’s a hoot nanny.  Yeah, actually it is.  Within the last few weeks, I think I finally hit a breakthrough.  However, as a result of that breakthrough I came to an unfortunate conclusion.  My Shadowrun story?  Yeah, it is going into storage.  I do not think I am experienced enough or care enough about my story in that world to make it through a whole novel.  I am not saying I will not come back to it, but it is best left alone, all 1 and a half chapters of it.

Instead, I am about roughly two chapters into my new story.  It is not fantasy, it is not even sci-fi, it is actually intended to be a now type of book.  Now, unlike the Shadowrun thing, this one gets no fancy prologue on a web page here for you guys to look at and have nobody comment about (outside of those who took the time to read because I specifically asked them to) .  I am writing this pretty much in secret for the time being.  However, I will spend a couple of paragraphs telling what it is going to be about.

It is a story of four friends/co-workers who find themselves needing to get home after a successful business trip.  However, each of these friends despite their knowledge for the business as it were lead somewhat troubled personal lives and that starts to breakdown each of their friendships.  Rain, Vehicular trouble, and a little deception all stand in the way of these four people.  But as with any good story, redemption, love, perseverance and true friendship lead it into heartwarming territory for a fantastic finish as they make it home.

The main character (it could be argued that all four characters are “main” characters) is Jeffery Daniels.  He is the leader of the group and is the most connected to the other three people in the story.  Respected supervisor and always able to close the deal, he has found himself an emotional wreck.  His turbulent past includes the unfortunate death of his only son, being twice divorced, and living life day to day, usually on the couch of his best friend, Erik Anderson (one of the other three).  His heart has been paying for his mis-deeds for far too long and somewhere along the way he must break free to save not only himself but also his three friends.

As you might be able to tell, there is a little bit of me in this book.  No, I have not had to go through the death of my own kid since I do not even have any kids.  But I have been twice divorced (or about to be I suppose), and I have been terrible with my emotions for the last few months.  However, like the character of Jeffery Daniels, I hope to become whole again and maybe a little selfishly I hope to through the pages of this book.  I have a long ways to go, but unlike Shadowrun, I think I have my feet under me in this one.



Speaking of emotions, there probably should be a personal section here.  I am writing this on a Saturday night and again I am alone.  No ex, no relatives and no friends.  This has been the trend for probably the last month or so.  A little bit of back information but arguably my best friend got let go by the company I work for a little over a week ago now.  I am not going to get into that obviously because a web blog is not the place for it.  Now normally, despite the unfortunate nature of that incident, it really should not affect a friendship but this one did.

It did because I knew in my heart that meant my friend is probably moving to El Paso to be with his wife who is going to med school.  Before you say anything, I did not expect him to do anything less.  However, what I did not expect was that he was going over there so very soon.  He is actually over there now, it only took a couple of days before he decided to go over to El Paso and start looking over there.  That part did not sting.

However, what stung was that this friend had suggested strongly that we hang out tonight in fact, to have some fun and find some cool things to do.  This was on his last day and then only a couple of days later, he plum forgot and ran out without even telling me.  I honestly doubt if I will ever see him again.  As a result, I have been somewhat distant at work and even my other really good friend has noticed that I am not quite with it.  Now, I know some of you are thinking…he left for his wife, get over it.

Well, I take my friends very seriously.  Maybe because if you don’t count my ex (who I still consider a good friend, we just don’t talk much these days), I have basically two, maybe three good local friends.  And I just lost one.  So, pardon me if I am a little frustrated and this could have been mended simply if he had just said, I’m running out to El Paso, I will be back in a couple of weeks, I’m going to have to cancel this Saturday.  Done and done.

Sure, I could have gone out tonight, there was no reason for me not to.  (Surely, there are not thousands out there screaming for this blog).  Heck, one of those other two friends?  They might have had nothing to do, heck my ex might not have had anything to do either.  She still enjoys my company (which is odd that she does still, however I would not trade it for anything).  So I do blame myself on that point.  It had far more to do with principle than anything else.

But despite this setback, I still believe I will find a few friends as I get going (and strengthen the ones I already have).  My friend that went to El Paso has always said of me that I do very well when I am one-on-one with somebody because I really listen and try to engage them in meaningful conversation.  My problem is of course still groups or places where there are a ton of people.  That is where I get lost easily and I can not just snap my fingers and expect that to work itself out.  I will have to work at that.

Despite my back and forth emotions lately, I am finding that I am taking care of myself considerably better these days.  I am exercising with a stationary bike 3 times a week and I am trying to eat a great deal healthier.  I have not weighed myself recently, but I do believe I have lost a good deal of weight.  Most of my pants are rather loose on me but I do not want to buy any new clothing just yet.  I want to make sure I keep it off as well.

At some point in my life from this time forward, I would like to have another relationship.  I have never quite bought into the idea of being single but I do agree I need some time to myself.  But that does not mean I can’t date a girl I feel comfortable with.  I do believe I need some level of comfort before I date somebody though.  I have never been for blind relationships and would prefer that they are built out of friendship first.  Strange perhaps, but unless there is just some bizarre chemical thing happening, that’s probably the way it is going to work out for me.

Final Thoughts

Well, I stamped out a couple of thousand works quickly and hopefully some of you have been entertained at least a little bit on a Saturday night.  Always feel free to comment here if you have any thoughts, suggestions or just want to talk.  Even if I don’t know you, I am always willing to listen.  I might be a bit of a tortured soul but aren’t we all to some extent?  Anyway, toodles kids and hopefully you went out and did something interesting today.  I might not have, but if somebody did I can at least vicariously through them feel like I had a good night.  Take care.

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