May 1st, 2013

We will call this a very quick and short blog but it contains perhaps the best news all year as far as my writing goes which is what this blog was supposed to be about in the first place.  Well, I am not sure what I am waiting around for, we should just jump right in.  There will be a few other things too.  Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!!!!



My prologue is finished.  I got over my little hump last week and finished it up to my liking.  The last week, I have read it probably about 8 to 10 times and making small changes along the way.  It is about 6-7 pages depending on your font size.  That is probably a good amount for a prologue and it ends on a big moment which is always something I strive for (if nothing else, it makes you want to read the first chapter).  In addition, I already have the setting for the first chapter which the inspiration came from a book of short stories on cosmic bars.  The book I’m reading is not the greatest in the world, but starting a story in a bar, a futuristic one seems like the way to go.

So, probably the next question most of you are thinking…when do we see it?  By the end of the weekend.  I want to go through it a couple more times and then I will post it up here.  At that point, no matter who reads it, I would like a comment.  From love to hate to everywhere in between, I am hoping for some feedback.  I have had two people read it to date with positive results but I know that friends as much as I appreciate the heck out of them are a little biased.  By the way, if you do hate it…just tell me why.  After that, I’ll be back to work to continue with chapter one or perhaps some re-tooling of the prologue.  We are moving forward kids, let’s keep going.

Quick Hits


The book I’m reading by the way is Cosmic Cocktails, edited by Denise Little.  I am in a short story groove reading wise which is probably a good idea and a bad idea when it comes to my writing.  But if at the end of the day, I end up with a short story around 50-100 pages, that is perfectly okay with me.  It’s the experience that I need to get under my belt  If it leads to writing short stories then that is okay too.  Published, that’s the real goal, by any means necessary (except paying money to appear in something, fuck that crap).

I am going to be writing some reviews for soon.  Among them is True Blood Season 5 (Blu-Ray), Flashpoint Season 5, and a cartoon title called Monosuno Power.  I believe I will probably see them sometime next week.  It will be good to write some reviews, but again this is a part time gig (and it keeps me from buying Flashpoint and my wife from buying True Blood), I have no intention of going back full time.  Naturally, I will also post links here when I am done with each review.

On the gaming front, I’ve been primarily playing the WWE Universe mode of WWE 13. I am about 3 months into it. Eventually, I’ll be back to Skyrim.  Speaking of which, the Legendary version (the game+all dlc) will come out in June.  I have plans to eventually get it but I want to get through Heartfire meaning all three houses built first.  Also, price point is probably going to need to drop to around the $35-$40 range before I drop the cash.

One last topic, but an old friend of mine is working on a game with an outfit called Nerd Kingdom.  It’s called TUG and they are doing a Kickstarter.  Here is the link:Kickstarter – Tug by Nerd Kingdom. He’s done some quality work in the past and this looks no different. I am certainly going to contribute, I am just not sure how much I want to give. I have two substantial backings to Shadowrun projects plus a smaller one that’s being done by the creators of Space Quest. So needless to say, I am giving at least a little but I’m looking over the tiers and seeing what is out there before I dive in. If you like what you see, I encourage you to give.

Final Thoughts

Again, the prologue should go up this weekend in its full form.  If you take the time to read it, post a comment, even if it is in a different language and I’ll figure it out.  If everything goes smoothly, I’ll post fragments along the way and of course update the progress.  I do not know where this will take me, but the journey will be well worth it.  That’s it for now guys, I’m excited and I hope to reward those who take the time to visit and read.


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