January 20th, 2013

Still trying to get this sucker off the ground and have spent a lot of time thinking about my writing and wondering what exactly to do about it.  As I contemplate my next move, I spend time with the wifey and also a side effect (at least when she sleeps in) is that I end up playing a lot of video games, or rather a couple with a lot of time put in.  Currently, I have spent an inordinate amount of time playing this one free-to-play game.  Some people will recognize it immediately and thine name is Happy Wars.  Who would have thunk that such a happy game is actually frustrating at least half the time.

Happy Wars


So, I’ve been playing Happy Wars since December, I blame it on the ad inside Fire Pro Wrestling.  “Download this free game”, yeah that’s a death sentence.  Anyway, so I give it a shot and the game can be summed up in one sentence.  “When you can actually connect to a game, it’s awesome.”  Because you spend half the time sitting around trying to get a good connection to your fellow players.  Happy Wars is a tactical game where you choose one of three classes, Warrior, Cleric or Mage but can switch freely between them before a game or after each death which unless you are awesome happens all the time.  Each of the classes gain random skills as they level up which is done by killing, assists (healing, team skills, buffs), and tactics (mostly around towers and enemy gates).  It’s really a lot of fun and one really doesn’t have to spend a dime (there are places where you can spend real money to get premium items but unless you are really hardcore, I don’t see the point in it) in order to get all of the achievements.

However, I will warn you to stick to the Quick Match option (unless playing Single Player missions).  Co-Op (or if a Special Challenge is running) are nightmares to connect on.  Now, Co-Op is one of the achievements but don’t be like me and instead leave that sort of thing until the end.  The servers leave a lot to be desired.  In addition to games not even connecting to begin with, there is always the problem of a game going 14 minutes in and then dropping out in the last minute.  It does not keep progress at all if it drops in the middle of a game.  So, most of the time (even though you would score more in a longer game), you want to keep games quick and to the point.

The best thing arguably about the game (away from the action) is the loot.  Loot comes in the form of gear and Happy Stars.  Gear can be weapons, shields, helmets, armor and misc items.  Happy Stars are primarily used to upgrade items by either modifying the primary item to a higher level or making with the buffs.  Most of the items are very cute in nature but also can be deadly.  I tend to flip flop between the classes but most of my time is dedicated to the mage.  I am starting to appreciate the cleric class because its hilarious the way you run around the battlefield not killing anything but doing a ton of healing and rezing.  Mage oddly enough in my opinion is the hardest to score with.  All in all, its a very fun game and I think I will get about 90-95% of the achievements before I call it quits.  (One of the achievements requires you to use all of the skills.  This is rather difficult primarily because of the team skill requirements).

 Xbox 360 Joystick Search


So, I am in the market for a new Xbox 360 controller.  I have three wireless controllers, one wired and I never really liked the wired one (it feels wrong).  Also, one of the wireless ones is on its way out for sure.  So, looking at various controllers and I am just not digging many of the wireless ones because they want $40-$50 for a wireless controller with a basic paint job.  So this past weekend, I happened upon the WWE All Stars Brawl Stick.  Its wired but, it has a classic joystick feel and a good long cord (13 feet).  Its price is also about half of what those Street Fighter joysticks go for or about $45.  Furthermore, it includes a copy WWE All Stars which still goes for about $20 (and I don’t own).  One last thing, this is THE hottest controller to mod by the market to make it closer to those really expensive Street Fighter controllers.  Or if it wears out, it is pretty easy to buy replacement parts where as a standard wireless controller?  It’s good for a doorstop.

Now can I fix it if something happens to it…I am pretty sure I can swap out a few buttons.  As long as it does not involve soldering, I will be okay.  I used to open up my old NES and SNES controllers all the time.  Yes, I know its a lot different now, but the mechanics are basically the same.  So, I have not bought it yet.  I could not tell you the reason outside of just the way I just get on anything above $40 when it doesn’t involve normal expenses or a calculated purchase (like my recent new television).  I’ll probably buy it before the night is over.  And then have it by the following weekend (I have to watch my Amazon purchasing though since I now have prime) to play with.  Hrmmmmmm, yeah I am still not sure.


I did put together a few paragraphs on my Shadowrun prologue.  I know the direction I’m going but it is a matter of getting there.  My problem is finding inspiration and a place where I actually be with my writing long enough to turn it out.  Work is currently a joke in the sense I am working from the moment I walk in until the time I leave.  I eat 80% of my lunches at my desk and only get up to go to the bathroom which is pretty frustrating.  I agree I should be working but I should at least be able to find time to take a respectable lunch which is clearly not happening right now.  So time for my writing is a problem.

Then yes, the best time for me to probably be writing is on Saturday and Sunday morning when my wife is sleeping.  But it has not worked out to this point.  Writing reviews and columns for the last 8 years has left me with a ton of unplayed video games.  Basically I collect them and play about 25-30% of what I buy.  Beating a game is usually not that hard, its just the curse of achievement points which doubles or triples my typical time with a game.  Sometimes, that’s a good thing, but many times not so much.  Anyway, I’m doing it again.  Finding a place to write in peace for a couple of hours is difficult but I have to find it.  I have the research material, I have the tools and I have my highly creative brain (which has been suffering lately from exhaustion at the work place).  It’s time to make it work.

So as I start another work week, I have to find a way of actually taking lunches.  It is not like anybody is strapping me to my chair and forcing me to work through my lunch.  So I just have to get up.  Period.  And then either Saturday or Sunday, I need to do the same thing when I wake up one of these mornings.  I wake up around 8-9am on weekends.  That gives me a couple of hours typically before I have to do anything else.  Alright, well there is the plan, wish me luck in actually executing it.  Lordie.  Take care kids and may you have luck in whatever you want to accomplish this week.


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