January 9th, 2013

To show you how tired work makes me, I think my first blog took about 2-3 days once I put my mind to it. Heck I don’t even think I can come up with a good teaser outside of the fact that at least at home I feel more relaxed lately. I can not say the same for work but we will tackle one thing at a time. Here we go, it is weird, in a way I feel like I am writing a Dare to Play the Game column (but less focused). Okay, let’s try this…old school. *cracks knuckles*

Hitman Trilogy, NBA2K13 Achievement Nonsense, and will Kedrix (yours truly) actually write 100 pages this year? Welcome to the blog that smells something funny, and it stinks like recycled column taglines known as errr…. Oh screw it.

Welcome, first post of hopefully a lot more. This will not be as long as a Dare to Play column. I did that drek (my new word which should be familiar with Shadowrun folks) for four freaking years and absolutely had the hardest time with the last 6 months. I am sure for those who did read it would probably think I hit my high point 2 years or so into the run but usually I am always about two years long overdue. Anyway, let us go ahead, shall we?

NBA 2K13 Achievements


So this past weekend, I played a lot of NBA 2k13.  So much so, that I cleared eighteen, yes 18 achievements.  Check it out if you don’t believe me. And no, I did not quit writing for Upcomingdiscs.com to play NBA 2K13, but it was an interesting diversion for a weekend where I did not have to write.  I find it always fascinating the percentage of people who play sports games and get a high number of achievements is surprisingly low.  After three years of what feels like the same game, I just know what to do and in this case how to create a team to do it.  Will I get all of the achievements, no (I suck at anything related to MyPlayer), but I think this year will be my best yet.

Hitman Trilogy Review


One of the things I would like to do with this website is review a variety of games both new and old.  So what if it got released a couple of years ago.  Have you seen my backlog?  I have unopened copies of Playstation 2 games for pete’s sake.  Anyway, I have HItman Trilogy for the 360 pre-ordered.  It comes out on January 29th, and it will probably be my first gaming review on this site.  Now, I know the point of this site is to keep up with my WRITING but why can’t I throw in a few reviews here and there.  Besides, it’s myyyyy site (which is a great feeling and one I recommend to everybody who has the time and energy).  Which leads to my next topic:



Kedrix.net is not a new site.  It was actually hosted by some outfit in Bangalore, India that wanted to run a meta-search engine and did so on Kedrix.com.  I always had an artificial hate towards them since I did not have the money to buy Kedrix.com when they registered it.  The same site even grabbed the Kedrix twitter handle, leaving me with TehKedrix (which I just changed to KedrixdotNet).  I kept thinking how dare they, I came up with that name in high school which was 20 years ago.  But it was my own fault for not registering the site sooner.   According to my research, kedrix.net as well as kedrix.org became available again in October of last year.   Rather than cheer in what might have been financial issues OR simply a business decision, let me just say to the owners of Kedrix.com, THANK YOU.  It’s not the holy grail .COM domain name, but its a grand close second.  And once it became available,  I think I started to realize my dream.  And darn it, it will become a reality.


So, for those who might not know, I basically have two writing ideas.

fantasythief  VS


Option 1)  No, Kedrix is not a chick with two daggers and lots of cleavage (however, it makes for a interesting character idea).  He is a part human, part elven thief who basically grows up through the pages of my book.  He’s got a story to tell, and eternal enemy to develop that will grow into hopefully a trilogy.  There are many characters along the way with unique personalities.  It’s not Lord of the Rings or Sword of Shannara ala One Ring to Rule them All or gaining a legendary sword but it will be building a group of adventurers that I hope people will grow to love.


Option 2) Shadowrun.  There are two Shadowrun PC games coming out next year and admittedly I have bought into both of the Kickstarters hook, line, and sinker.  My idea is simple, write a piece of fan fiction for that world.  I have read a plethora of paperbacks set in the universe and read several of the specific gamebooks for Shadowrun.  I got some good ideas, but my only problem is if I go through with it, I have to figure out what to do with it afterwards.  Either, it gets adapted into an adventure for one of the games (long shot) or I get them to publish a book with it (also long shot).  But on the plus side, I have spent the last eight years writing very structured reviews, and a structured universe might the way to go.

I am not sure what I am going to do but my New Year’s Resolution is that I finish one hundred (yes, 100) pages by December 31st, 2013.  So far, I’ve written…well if you count my 2 page introduction to the Shadowrun novel or the 3 page prologue to the Kedrix story, I’ve written 2-3 pages.  By the next time I write this, I will make some progress.

A Final Word

So, there we go.  A blog down and already looking for more time to do another blog or review or more importantly write some freaking pages to my book.  Comments are always welcome, and I look forward to any advice, words of encouragement or even somebody telling me to go take a flying leap.  But seriously, thanks for reading and as always have fun kids because there is only one life and none of us (unless that’s what we want to do) should be stuck behind a cubicle wall.  Take care.

2 thoughts on “January 9th, 2013

  1. As someone who considers himself writing challenged, I will say with sports fan enthusiasm, kick some fiction ass. If not for yourself then do it for all of the aspiring writers out there who are waiting for some kind of sign or moment of inspiration that will most likely never come. Do it for those people stuck in writers purgatory whose creative spark shriveled and died after the first time they suffered through a nickleback rock block. So basically “Save us obi wan…“

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